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3 Tips To Improve Your Campaign's Performance


The previous time we talked about 3 Facebook Metrics that can help you easily define whether it's worth keeping a Facebook Website Clicks campaign running or not. Today we are going to talk about 3 tips that will help you improve your campaign’s performance if the metrics show that it's not.

Ad Copy

The first tip is to improve your Ad Copy and here are some tips on how you can do that:

  • Simplify: Use simple words or phrase so you make sure your target audience is receiving your ad’s message.

  • Capitalise: Capitalise the words you want to emphasise in order to grab the attention of your audience.   

  • Headline: Create different versions of your headline until you find the best performing one.



Try using a different Facebook Ads Call To Action that is related to your content. For example, if you are using a video on a Website Clicks campaign try using “Watch More” instead of “Learn More” or the opposite.

Also, sometimes you may notice that your Call To Action is hiding your link description on the Desktop News Feed placement. In this case, try not to use a Call To Action at all and see if that works best for you.



Breakdown your campaign and target only people who are clicking on your ads. You can start by filtering by:

  • Gender: You may find that some campaigns are performing better for some genders. So filter your audience by choosing to show your ads only to them.
  • Age: Same as gender, people from different age groups respond differently to some Facebook Ads. Make sure you are ads are referring to the appropriate age group.
  • Placement and Device: With five available placements (Mobile News feed, Desktop News feed, Desktop Right Column, Audience Network and Instagram) for sure some of them may not work very well for your campaigns. For example, here at Yello Veedub, we found that Mobile News Feed ads are working best for us so we are going one step further by optimising by mobile device.  

These were our three tips to improve your Facebook campaign's performance. Let us know what you think in the comments below! 

Topics: Marketing facebook ads metrics